Exhibition of four artists in Omicum gallery: Two couples


Sulev Kuuse, the curator of the Omcium atrium, invites you to the atrium from November 13 to explore the exhibition "Two couples", the authors of which are two artist couples - Tuuli Puhvel and Eero Ijavoinen and Resa and Margus Tiitsmaa (Sorge).

Couples introduce themselves as follows:


We are a couple in private life as well as creatively. We talk about creative topics on a daily basis. There are also heated arguments, because we are both quite temperamental.


I have been creating decorative dolls for over 30 years.

I see people's actions through the prism of light humor.

I create like a mental theater where different characters act.

The birthplace of all the characters is the home studio in Türi.


Creative activity has been going on for over 40 years.

Many paintings, sculptures, graphics, post emblazons, assemblages and performances have been created during this time.

A person inspires in his actions, to which, by adding fantasy, the art is completed.


Tuuli Puhvel and Eero Ijavoinen have been a couple for 23 years. They live in Tartu. A couple's life is held together by understanding each other or moving towards that understanding. Their works are shown to each other and discussed. If something is missing or skewed, it will be said.

Tuuli has been involved in the restoration of paintings, stained glass, mosaics and wall paintings. The "Mängumaa" series was partially inspired by the aesthetics of repair - puttying and layers of paint shining through one another. Characters from found footage roam these picturesque fields and secretly go about their business.

Eero Ijavoinen is a painter. In addition, he makes wooden figures and draws. In this exhibition, Eero has drawings from the series "Piranes Vall", which depict figures in an architectural space, and relief masks, or "Puuriidavalvurid", reflecting different types of people.


The exhibition is open from 11.11 - 17.12.2023. (Riia 23b/2, Tartu)

Curator: Sulev Kuuse

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