The research groups of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), University of Tartu

The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (TÜMRI in Estonian) has very different and interesting research groups that are unique and have a consistent history. At the same time, they are comprehensively connecting the entire institute and colleagues from the University of Tartu and elsewhere with their research topics and groups.

Koe regeneratsiooni uurimisgrupp (TÜMRI), pildi autor Viljar Jaks

Tissue regeneration research group

MR kromatiini grupp ver3

Chromatin research group

MR Riho Teras skeem2

Bacterial lifestyles research group

MR Angela Ivask teadusgrupp Autor Aleksandr Käkinen

Microbe & material interactions research group

MR Hiire embrüod autor Baris Yasar, TÜMRI biotehnoloogia õppetool

Biotechnology research group

MR Äädikakärbse tiiva areng 2-pSmad pupal wing (Osamu Shimmi)

Developmental biology research group

MR ribosoomi uurimisgrupi päis3 (Jaanus Remme)

Ribosome, RNA modifications and protein synthesis research group

Eukarüootides toimuva valgusünteesi uurimisgrupp

Eukaryotic protein synthesis research group

MR bioinformaatika uurimisgrupp VanR_Figure3 (Maido Remm)

Bioinformatics research group

MR mere foto (Jaak Truu)

Environmental microbiology and biotechnology research group

MR Evolutsioon bakterikoloonias (Heili Ilves)

Microbial genetics research group

Phage attack

Bacteriophage research group

MR valkude uurimisgrupp ver2

Bacterial and yeast proteins research group

MR Mikroobiökolooiga uurimisgrupp Archaeal community composition of different sites at the class level (Ain Heinaru)

Microbial ecology research group

MR äädikakärbsed LT-Tulf-171 (Mariana Tulf)

Drosophila metabolism research group

MR Biochemical analysis of the rNMP incorporation properties of the yeast mtDNA polymerase Mip1 (Juhan Sedman)

Yeast mitochondrial research group

MR Tseulluloosi uurimisgrupp (Priit Väljamäe) 2.png

Cellulose research group

The structure of IMCB by chairs