
Research at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology is closely related to the teaching of young professionals.

The website of each research group lists the questions and areas that the scientists are working on today. The spectrum of research is wide: it deals with microbial genetics and environmental problems, embryonic stem cell and human disease models, molecular biology and population genetics, bioinformatics, developmental biology and complex disease genetics. We focus a lot on basic research, but the output of several research groups has a great potential for application. We collaborate with the Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu

Research groups in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology

Publications by the reseachers in Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology

Annual conferences are held by the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Genomics

Our researchers are successful in international research organizations, both as members and leaders

Research cooperation with foreign research centers and universities is active and characterizes all our research groups.

Several well-known younger researchers have founded their new research group and work at our institute:

  • Arnold Kristjuhan (since 2015 Professor of Epigenetics)
  • Viljar Jaks (Associate Professor of Cell Biology)
  • Priit Väljamäe (Associate Professor of General and Microbial Biochemistry)

The institute fully supports the development of young promising researchers as well as their return

In recent years, with the support of Mobilitas, Ermos and DoRa funding schemes, the transfer of our young doctoral researchers abroad or their return from abroad has been particularly active. Post-doctoral returnees are:

  • Triinu Visnapuu (Associate Professor of Microbiology)
  • Priit Jõers (Associate Professor of General and Microbial Biochemistry)
  • Mariliis Klaas (Researcher in Cell Biology),
  • Tõnis Org (Associate Professor of Biotechnology)
  • Signe Värv (Researcher in Cell Biology)
  • Hedvig Tamman (Researcher in Genetics)

Research and development projects

Researchers at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology have repeatedly received the Estonian National Research Prize:

Recent awards:

  • Viljar Jaks (Associate Professor in Cell Biology), National Research award 2024
  • Priit Väljamäe (Associate Professor of General and Microbial Biochemistry), National Research Award 2022
  • Richard Villems (Professor of Archaeogenetics) Lifetime Achievement Award 2020
  • Andres Metspalu (Professor of Biotechnology) Discovery Award 2020

  • Ain Heinaru, (Professor of Genetics), 1992 and Award for Long-Term Successful Research and Development, 2014
  • Mart Ustav, 1997
  • Agu Laisk and Vello Oja, 1999
  • Andres Metspalu (Professor of Biotechnology), 2003
  • Maia Kivisaar (Professor of Microbial Genetics), 2005
  • Arvi Freiberg (Professor of Biophysics and Plant Physiology), 2006
  • Maido Remm (Professor of Bioinformatics), 2008
  • Margus Pooga (Professor of Chemical Biology), 2009
  • Maris Laan (Professor of Human Molecular Genetics), 2010
  • Jaanus Remme (Professor of Molecular Biology), 2013
  • Priit Väljamäe (Associate Professor of General and Microbial Biochemistry), 2022

Microbial collection

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