Transgenic technology

The animal research facility is specialized in reseach of several aspects of the early development of mice, tumour development and stem cell biology etc. Several transgenic methods and transgenic mice lines are used. The facility can breed mice lines to get the right early developmental stage as well as hold, grow and breed different mice lines (Blab/C, Balb/c nude, C57Bl/6I, FVB, CBA) and rat lines.

In addition to transgenic technology, the following services will be provided in accordance with the specific testing plan and the existence of an animal testing permit:

  • propagation of various mouse and rat lines
  • mice of exact embryonic age
  • the possibility of performing various experiments on mice in vivo
  • tumor research
  • immunodeficiency studies
  • experiments and keeping animals under IVC conditions
  • making monoclonal antibodies
  • hybridization of mice
  • and other services as agreed

Our vivarium has been declared compliant with the Animal Welfare Act and the Government of the Republic Act of 30 April 2004 established on the basis thereof. requirements laid down in Regulation No 181.

The interior of the vivarium has been completely renovated in 2007-2012.

The cost of keeping the mice in a vivarium and issuing them to buyers is set by the order of the IMCB's director.

Price list

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