Helen Post defends her PhD thesis

Time and place: Wednesday, 26.08.2020 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology/Institute of Genomics, UT (auditorium 105, Riia 23b/2, Tartu)
Thesis: "Overview of the phylogeny and phylogeography of the Y-chromosomal haplogroup N in northern Eurasia and case studies of two linguistically exceptional populations of Europe - Hungarians and Kalmyks''
(,,Ülevaade Põhja_Euraasias laialt levinud Y_kromosoomaalse haplogrupi N fülogeneesist ja fülogeograafiast ning Euroopa kahe keeleliselt erandliku rahva - ungarlaste ja kalmõkkide - populatsiooniuuringud")
Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology
Speciality: Gene Technology
Supervisors: Senior Research Fellow Siiri Rootsi, Institute of Genomics, Professor and Leading Scientist Richard Villems, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and Institute of Genomics
Oponent: Professor Maarten Larmuseaud, Leuven University, Belgium