Viktorija Kukuškina defends her PhD thesis

Time and place: Monday, 29.06.2020 at 11:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology/Institute of Genomics, UT (auditorium 105, Riia 23b/2, Tartu) or video-conference form
Topic: “Understanding the mechanisms of endometrial receptivity through integration of ‘omics’ data layers”
Curricula: Molecular and Cell Biology
Speciality: Molecular Biomedicine
Supervisors: Leading Scientist Reedik Mägi, Institute of Genomics, Professor Andres Metspalu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Leading Scientist also in the Institute of Genomics) and Professor Andres Salumets, Institute of Clinical Medicine
All the supervisors are from the University of Tartu 
Oponent: Dr Stephan Beck (PhD FMedSci, Professor of Medical Genomics, UCL Cancer Institute University College London, UK)

You can follow the PhD defence online:
Please, keep your microphone muted and leave the camera off.
You can ask questions via public chat window.
5-minute tutorial video for BBB.