Andrei Nikonov's PhD defence, June 17th 2014


Time and place: Tuesday, June 17th 2014 at 13.00 AM in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23b lecture hall 105
Thesis:  „RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Activity as a Basis for the Detection of Positive-Strand RNA Viruses by Vertebrate Host Cells
("RNA-sõltuva RNA polümeraasi aktiivsuse kaudu on selgroogsete rakud võimelised tuvastama pluss ahelaga RNA viiruste nakkuse”)
Speciality: Molecular and Cell Biology
Curriculum: Virology


Supervisor: Mart Ustav, Professor of Biomedicine Technology, Institute of Technology, University of Tartu
Oponent: Volker Lohmann, Heidelberg University, Department of Molecular Virology, Germany