Book presentation "Rector Jüri Kärner" and the opening of the exhibition of electron microphotos

The book presentation "Rector Jüri Kärner" and the opening of the exhibition of electron microphotos taken by Jüri Kärner will be held on Monday, October 21, at 16:00 to the atrium of the Institute of Genomics and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Riia 23b/2, Tartu.

Professor Jüri Kärner (1940–2010) was the Rector of the University of Tartu in years 1988–1993. He was also the developer of the field of electron microscopy in Estonia.

The author of the book is Ken Kalling and the curator of the exhibition Sulev Kuuse.
The exhibition will be open until the end of the year.