Helerin Margus defends her PhD thesis, 15.06.16

Time and place: Wednesday, June 15th 2016 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
PhD thesis: Characterization of cell-penetrating peptide/nucleic acid nanocomplexes and their cell-entry mechanisms
(“Rakku sisenevate peptiidi/nukleiinhappe komplekside kirjeldamine ja nende rakku sisenemise mehhanismid”) 
Speciality: Cell Biology
Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology
Supervisors: Professor Margus Pooga and Research Fellow Kärt Padari, IMCB
Opponent: Professor Ines Neundorf, Department of Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany