Lilian Kadaja-Saarepuu received teaching grant

The candidacy for the teaching grants in the University of Tartu was opened already for the seventh time. Every year three nominees are selected from each faculty. The grants are supposed to support the lecturers to make a systemic analysis of their teaching practises and to introduce their experiences to others. 

The 12 nominees for two-year grants, based on applications, feedback and discussions were selected by the university's Teaching Committee. The number of applicants was 18. The applicants submitted their teaching development analysis and research activity project. The projects included actual lecturing topics in the university, for example implementing various teaching methods and compiling teaching materials fascilitating individual remote learning. 

In the decision making process the candidates' previous activities in supporting students and colleagues and developing their own teaching, as well as the expected impact of the study on the quality of teaching in the structural unit, field and the university at large, was taken into account. 

The Associated Professor Lilian Kadaja-Saarepuu from the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology was nominated to the grant from the Faculty of Science and Technology. 
Lilian Kadaja-Saarepuu teaches basic courses Cell Biology I and II to students and is responsible for several practical works in the laboratory. 
The teaching languages are both Estonian and English. 

All the grant holders will meet in Summer School at the end of June to share experiences. 
The grant holders also introduce their suggestions about evolving teaching in the conference „From Teacher to Teacher" in January 2022. 

From the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Martin Kärner and Raivo Raid have been nominated to this grant in previous years.

Additional information:
Lilian Kadaja-Saarepuu
737 5016