Maris Alver defends her PhD thesis

Time and place: Tuesday, 04.06.2019 at 14:15 in the Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Riia 23b/2 lecture hall 105
PhD thesis: "Value of genomics for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk prediction"
(“Geeniinfo väärtus kardiovaskulaarhaiguste riski hindajana”)
Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology
Speciality: Molecular Biomedicine
Supervisors: Andres Metspalu, Head of the Estonian Genome Centre, Institute of Genomics, Research Professor of Genomics and Biobanking, Professor of Biotechnology in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu and Tõnu Esko, Vice Director, Senior Research Fellow, Estonian Genome Center Science Center, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu
Opponent: Martina Cornel, Professor of Community Genetics and Public Health Genomics at the Clinical Genetics/Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands