Mobile Bioclass started in Estonia

In spring 2014 the first Mobile Bioclass started in Estonia.

The aim of the project „Mobile Bioclass“ is to introduce life sciences to students in secondary schools and gymnasiums in order to provoke interest in biotechnology.

During the project mobile bioclass visits schools all over Estonia and offers the possibility to participate in hands-on experiments and lectures. The bioclass is run by biology, gene technology and biomedicine students of the University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.

Within one academic year the bioclass hopes to visit 30-40 Estonian schools.

Thermo Fisher supported the purchase of the the equipment for the mobile class.

Visited schools.
Mobile Bioclass in Facebook.

Contact: Professor of Molecular Biotechnology Ants Kurg, University of Tartu, Phone: +372 7375018, E-mail: