Monika Karmin defends her PhD thesis

Time and place: Monday, 10.12.2018 at 10:15 in the Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Riia 23b/2 lecture hall 105

PhD thesis: „Perspectives from human Y chromosome – phylogeny, population dynamics and founder events"
(“Vaade inimese Y kromosoomile – fülogenees, populatsiooni dünaamika ja asutajasündmused”)

Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology
Speciality: Molecular Biology

Supervisors: Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of Genomics Mait Metspalu, Senior Research Fellow of of the Institute of Genomics Ene Metspalu, Senior Research Fellow of of the Institute of Genomics Siiri Rootsi, Senior Research Fellow of of the Institute of Genomics Toomas Kivisild (all: Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu)
Opponent: Professor and Senior Research Fellow Agnar Helgason, University of Iceland, deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik