New Master Programme "Molecular Biosciences" is launched

In the new academic year the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology launces a new Master Programme in Molecular Biosciences.

According to the Programme Director of the curriculum Margus Leppik the preparing of the new programme has been a constant work during the last years taking into consideration the feedback from students, alumni and entrepreneurs. The labor market has an increasing need for people with specific applied skills and knowledge. The development of biosciences and medicine is rapid and the specialists in these fields, both in private, academic or public sector, should havve broad knowledge of molecular biology.

The curriculum provides wide knowledge in bioinformatics, biotechnology, biomedicine, developmental biology, genomics and synthetic biology and gives ability to use the most common methods and techniques.

Internship and students mobility have an important place in the curriculum. The students are provided with the possibility to pass the internship both in Estonia and abroad. The institute has a good collaboration with enteprises offering internship positions to students: regional hospitals, biotechnology companies, bioparks. The curriculum also includes an optional mobility module embracing studies, internship and experience abroad.

The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology has a teaching experience of molecular and cell biology disciplines at all three academic levels of education for almost 30 years. The institute is recognised as a high-level research institution offering diverse programmes, top level scientists with best practice, modern infrastructure and a variety of databases free for the students to use.

The new curriculum welcomes students with life science background, the number on students accepted to the curriculum is 20, the admission starts on June 20. The teaching language is Estonian. 

Additional information: Programme Director Margus Leppik,