The opening of the art exhibition „Views of Åland“

The art exhibition by Inna Rebane, titled  „Views of Åland“, will be opened at the ground floor gallery  of the Omicum building Riia 23b/2, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, on Tuesday, 10 September at 16:00.
Inna Rebane is a physicist in the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu. The present overview is her third personal exhibition. She has learned painting in Tartu Children’s Art School for 3 years under the guidance of Pallasian artist Silvia Jõgever. Later artist Anne Parmasto in the Open University, University of Tartu, has guided her.
The views of Åland have been painted this August. The exhibition includes also some earlier works.

The exhibition will remain open until October 18. 

The exposition was supported by the Institute of Genomics and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu.

Everybody is welcome to attend the opening and the exhibition!