Presentation of new generation of cell imager

On May 30, 2018 at 12:30 innovative new generation cell imager will be presented at the Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Omicum building, Riia Street 23b/2, auditorium 105.

JSC Grida in Vilnius, Lithuania, is one of the oldest companies in Baltic states region that provides life science solutions for research institutes, pharmaceutical companies, quality control laboratories and medical clinics. 

The new generation cell imager is produced by the French company Bertin-instruments for cell culture works.

Promotional video can be found here:

Seminar attendance is free.

Additional information:

Pijus Andrejauskas
Project Manager
Molėtų g. 16, D.Riešė, Vilniaus r., LT-14260 LITHUANIA   
Tel. +370 5 246 94 35 ,   Fax. +370 5 246 94 36 
Mob. +370 643 94 194,