Public lecture by Prof. Frank Witlox on Smart Cities on March 6th at 4 pm

Prof. Frank Witlox, the Honorary Doctor of Geography of the University of Tartu and the Professor in Geography of the University of Ghent, gives a public lecture on Wednesday, March 6th. The lecture is scheduled at 4 pm and is held in Vanemuise Str 46 Granö lecture hall (room 327).

On urban indicators for monitoring progress and transformation towards smart cities

All cities in the world want to be recognized as “smart”. A smart city uses information and communication technologies to increase operational efficiency, shares that information with the public, and improves both the quality of government services and citizen welfare. A smart city also wants to become less car-dependent and, by extension, less oil-dependent; and wants to tackle such principal issues like air pollution, noise, deterioration of the livability of residential areas, local environmental and safety problems caused by transport and mobility. To be able to measure progress towards creating smart cities, a set of urban policy indicators are necessary. And moreover we need to think about what transformations are needed in which fields so that the future of urban mobility can fulfil the mobilities of the future.