Students nominated the best lecturers of the academic year

The student body of the Faculty of Science and Technology chose the best lecturers of the academic year 2019/2020. 

In each institute three best lecturers were nominated and in addition the best lecturer of the year awarded. 

In the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology the results were the following: 

1) Professor of Molecular Biology Tiina Tamm was nominated as a kind and friendly lecturer who truly cares about developing the scientific vocabulary in Estonian; 

2) Associated Professor in Biotechnology Tõnis Org was recognized as a helpful lecturer who does his best to make his explanations understandable to every student; 

3) profound and capable of explaining even the most complicated topics, often with humour - this is how the Professor of Epigenetics, Arnold Kristjuhan, is described. 

The best lecturer of this academic year on the opinion of students in our institute is Associate Professor in General and Microbial Biochemistry Priit Jõers.

The students thank him for being very structured helping to understand every single term in biochemistry. His fluent English has been particularly mentioned by foreign students. 

Congratulations to our lecturers! 

/Author of the text, Andrea Jõesaar, The Bioscience Students' Association/

The University of Tartu also elects its best lecturers of the academic year, the candidates can be nominated until September 20 here