Tatjana Jatsenko defends her PhD thesis

Time and place: Friday, 21.09.2018 at 12:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23 lecture hall 217
PhD thesis: „Role of translesion DNA polymerases in mutagenesis and DNA damage tolerance in Pseudomonads
(„Spetsialiseeritud DNA polümeraaside osalus mutageneesil ja DNA kahjustuste tolereerimisel pseudomonaadides”)
Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology
Speciality: Genetics
Supervisor: Professor Maia Kivisaar, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu
Opponent: Vincent Pagès, PhD, Cancer Research Center of Marseille (CRCM) Marseille, France