University of Tartu to lead three new centres of excellence

UT was successful in the call for proposals for centres of excellence in research: Archimedes Foundation made the proposal to fund three centres of excellence which are led by UT researchers. In addition, UT participates as a partner in all other centres of excellence which were successful in this call for proposals.

According to UT Vice Rector for Research Marco Kirm, the university did well in this highly competitive call for proposals because currently there is a proposal to fund three centre of excellence projects led by UT. “UT researchers participate as partners in six more projects led by other research and development institutions, so we are in fact associated with all Estonian centres of excellence,” said Kirm.

Archimedes has made a proposal to fund the centre of excellence for genomics and translational medicine, led by Director of UT Estonian Genome Centre Andres Metspalu. The centre of excellence has 12 research groups, its partners are the Estonian Biocentre and Tallinn University of Technology.

The centre of excellence for molecular cell technology, led by UT Professor of the Technology of Antimicrobial Compounds Tanel Tenson, brings together eight research groups. Partner of the centre is Tallinn University of Technology.

According to the proposal, funding will also go to the centre of excellence for novel materials and high technology equipment for systems storing and converting energy which is led by Head of the Institute of Chemistry Enn Lust. The centre has ten research groups and its partner is Tallinn University of Technology.

Virge Tamme
Press Officer of the UT
Phone: +372 737 5683
Mobile: +372 5815 5392