
Here you will find the news published on our institute's website (in order of publication).

Press articles in media publications and TV and radio recordings, are available on the Media page.

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On 11 February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is held in Estonia for the first time, led by the Archemy research group of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences. 

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Yesterday, members of the Rector’s Office discussed the organisation of teaching and studies in February and March, and decided that in both months, teaching will be largely conducted online. However, we are trying to gradually move towards greater openness. We make decisions about teaching and studies in the spring semester for one month at a time – for each month, by the middle of the previous month. The rector’s decree with more detailed guidelines will take effect after passing the bylaw approval process.

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For the first time Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics is hosting an exclusive virtual career event, which takes place on the 5th of February 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (UTC +2:00).

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This week, the Digital Cleanup Week takes place at the university. Its aim is to declutter one’s personal or the unit’s digital life, and move in small but effective steps towards a greener university. The Digital CleanUp Week ends on 29 January, the nationwide Digital Cleanup Day.

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The first edition of the Delta X student competition initiated by the University of Tartu reaches its final on 27 January. From among nearly one hundred submitted solutions, the best will be decided in four categories.

The Delta X competition aims to give secondary school and university students an opportunity to test their skills and apply their acquired knowledge in practice. There are four categories: robotics, digital solutions, business models and mathematics. More than one hundred students from all across Estonia will take part in the final.

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The Digital Cleanup Week starts at the university on 25 January. Its goal is to declutter your digital life and delete all information that has become unnecessary over time. The Digital Cleanup Week ends on 29 January, the nationwide Digital Cleanup Day.

The University of Tartu wants to set an example by the environmentally aware conduct in its operations. Striving for environmental organisational culture is a goal, which the university has expressed in its new strategic plan and towards which every one of us can move in small steps every day.

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Due to the state of emergency declared by the government of Estonia, the University of Tartu cancels face-to-face classes from today to 1 May 2020. Instead, e-learning and other forms of distance learning will be used. Students who stay in residence halls are recommended to return home, if possible.

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The Annual Conference of the Institute of Genomics and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu will take place from January 18 to 19, 2021. 

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The University of Tartu Mentoring Programme is open for applications. The programme, created for the students and alumni of the University of Tartu, was first introduced in 2017 and is now for the first time also available for international students and alumni. 

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Aune Valk, University of Tartu Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

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Exhibition by Inna Rebane "Dreaming about mountains"
Dates: January 4 - February 14, 2021

Everyone is welcome to visit an exhibition by Inna Rebane "Dreaming about mountains" at the ground floor gallery of the Omicum building Riia 23b/2.

The exhibition is organized by Sulev Kuuse, head of the vivarium, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.

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After having received the regulation of the government of Estonia, and discussing with the Rector’s Office the exceptional situations in which it is very difficult to apply distance learning, we now add more detailed information to the message sent on Wednesday. These guidelines will be in force until the beginning of the spring semester.

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In the newly published ranking list of universities from emerging Europe and Central Asia, the University of Tartu has reached the second place, which is also the highest among Estonian universities.
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The government of Estonia decided today that as of 14 December, all educational institutions, including universities, will be closed. Therefore, the university leaders decided that no classroom studies are conducted at the University of Tartu at least until the spring semester.

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On Tuesday, 1 December, the university members celebrate the 101st anniversary of Estonia's national university.

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On November 26, 2020, President Kersti Kaljulaid visited the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.

At the roundtable meeting with the representatives of researchers, lecturers, employers, alumni and students the problems of research and education together with the possibilities of graduates to contribute to the development of Estonia were discussed.

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On November 24, 2020, the Council of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu elected Maia Kivisaar, professor of microbial genetics, as the director of the Institute for the next three years.

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So far, the university has favoured preferring face-to-face learning to distance learning. However, as the coronavirus infection rate is increasing, the Rector’s Office decided at its today’s meeting that it is reasonable to rapidly reorganise studies wherever possible to safeguard the health of all university members.

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View the video address of Rector Toomas Asser focusing on coronavirus prevention at the university on UTTV and read revised coronavirus guidelines at the university.

This week the Government of Estonia announced new coronavirus measures and based on the government’s recommendations, members of the UT Rector’s Office have laid down the following guidelines.

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Even though a high body mass index is a risk factor for COVID-19, the progression of the disease does not solely depend on the fat percentage of a person. What actually matters is the wellbeing of the adipose tissue. According to an international study conducted with the participation of Estonians, this may also explain why COVID-19 is milder in women.

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