Annual conference of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Genomics

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The joint annual conference of the UT Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the UT Institute of Genomics, which summarized the events of 2021 in science, took place on January 25-26, 2022.

Due to the Covid-19 situation, the conference was held as an online event in Zoom.


The authors of best oral and poster presentation (one from both institutes in each category) were awarded by the jury.

  • Best oral presentations: Kertu Liis Krigul (Institute of Genomics), Angela Peeb (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology)
  • Best poster presentations: Rita Kreevan (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology), Arun Kumar Devarajan (Institute of Genomics)

Estonian Society for Microbiology in collaboration with American Society for Microbiology awarded two prizes for microbiology-related presentations: one presentation and one poster prize.

  • best oral presentation: Kertu Liis Krigul (Institute of Genomics)
  • best poster presentation: Sirelin Sillamaa (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology)

Abstract book:

Abstract book IMCB and GI Annual Conference 2021.pdf (1.44 MB)

Please use your university username and password to access the abstract book. If there is no access, contact the conference organizing team (contact person: Priit Jõers).

Foreword to the conference by the Director of IMCB / IMCB in research and teaching in 2021

Yearbook of Institute of Genomics 2021



IMCB, Chair of General and Microbial Biochemistry
Estonian Society for Microbiology


American Society for Microbiology
Estonian Society for Microbiology
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