Maarja Liiv

Estonian Yeast Stock Collection

A collection of yeasts isolated from Estonian nature

The collection was initiated in 2018 when the research project "101 yeast strains from Estonian nature" took place. This project gave an impulse to the study of the distribution of yeast fungi in Estonia. The project was carried out in collaboration with research teams led by Prof. Arnold Kristjuhan and Prof. Tiina Tamm.

The collection has continuously grown over the years. We have been assisted by postgraduate students in Molecular Biosciences who collect samples and isolate new yeast species every year as part of the course "Yeasts - from model organisms to pathogens.

Tiina Tamm, Head of Chair, Professor of Molecular Biology in University of Tartu

How do we identify different yeast species?

We use molecular methods to identify the yeast species. For that, genomic DNA is isolated and specific regions from the genome are amplified and sequenced. The resulting sequences are then compared with those in databases. A new species is identified if the region under study differs from previously identified sequences.

Pärmiliikide määramine.

On the picture: yeast identification process through molecular methods. Photo taken from personal collection.

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