
The exhibition „anonüümsed HARILIKUD“ in the atrium of Omicum

The exhibition „anonüümsed HARILIKUD“

From January 10, 2023 until February 19, 2023.

In the Omicum atrium (Riia 23b/2, Tartu) open on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.

Members of the friendship group "Harilikud", who are united by their interest in art, will participate in the exhibition. Together they go painting and on creative outings. The works in this exhibition mainly come from the past summer course and the later diatype training. The theme that unites these works is nature.

Diatype is a special form of monotype, where the base is covered with dense printing ink, on which a thin paper or cloth is placed, on which the drawing is made. With the help of pressure, the motif to be drawn is transferred through paper or cloth, analogously to copy paper.

Supervisers of the group "Harilikud": Tuuli Puhvel ja Eero Ijavoinen.

Curator: Sulev Kuuse, Tuuli Puhvel and Eero Ijavoinen

Media coverage and photo gallery in Tartu Postimees.


Photo gallery from the opening of the exhibition on 10.01.2023 (Photos: Sulev Kuuse)

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