University’s language award for 2023 was given to Cell Biology textbook “Rakubioloogia”

Ülikooliõpiku „Rakubioloogia“ koostajad Sulev Kuuse ja Toivo Maimets.
Andres Tennus

On Estonia's Mother Tongue Day, Toomas Asser, Rector of the University of Tartu, presented University’s language award for 2023 to the authors of the university textbook “Rakubioloogia”. The award was accepted by Vivarium Manager Sulev Kuuse.

The 2023 language award is given for the Estonian-language university textbook “Rakubioloogia”, which provides a systematic and up-to-date overview of modern cell biology, covering also developmental biology, immunology, tumour formation and histology. The award was given to University of Tartu Vivarium Manager Sulev Kuuse and Professor of Cell Biology Toivo Maimets.

According to Sulev Kuuse, the fact that a specialised textbook was awarded with the language award, makes all the hard work particularly valuable. "The book is interesting to read even for people who don't come into contact with the subject on a daily basis - that is a very big deal!" he pointed out. According to the author, the textbook was written with all the Estonian teachers in mind.

This book is the result of many people working towards one thing. It is written by our teachers, by us and by our students. A book that spans the ages.


University of Tartu Vivarium Manager Sulev Kuuse

The cell biology textbook was compiled in cooperation with a hundred contributors and 31 co-authors, and considerable work was done to create and update specialised Estonian terms and fix them in use. This helps preserve the sustainability of scientific thinking in the Estonian language. Further information about the textbook can be found on University of Tartu homepage.

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