The university aims to keep studies open as long as possible, which is why stronger safety measures are imposed.
Safe distancing should be maintained between people during classes, in public rooms and all, including those who are vaccinated, must wear masks in the university buildings. Only protective masks, not scarves or visors, may be used to cover the nose and mouth.
The focus should be on what is inevitable to continue teaching and studies. We recommend to cancel or postpone all big events. Also the anniversary events of Estonia’s national university are cancelled.
All units are asked to organise their work so as to reduce unnecessary contacts. If necessary, employees must be allowed to work remotely.
In institutes where it is not possible to implement all measures to limit the spread of the virus, the head of unit has the right to make institute-specific decisions on the organisation of studies.
Please remember that due to the rapidly changing situation, also the university’s guidelines may be updated.
Please also note the following:
More than 90% of the university’s staff members are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated yet, make sure you get your dose. If you first want to discuss vaccination with a specialist, call the family doctors’ advice line 1220 or consult your family physician. To get information about vaccination sites, call 1247 or see The University of Tartu researchers have also answered frequently asked questions about vaccination (in Estonian). Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself against serious illness.
Read the university’s updated coronavirus-related information on the website
National restrictions are available on the website
Further information: Tõnis Karki, Academic Secretary, University of Tartu, 529 7917,