
IMCB and IG Annual Conference on January 15-16

The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) and the Institute of Genomics (IG) of the University of Tartu are organising an annual conference to summarise their most important research of the past year. The conference will take place in English on 15-16 January in Riia 23b/2, auditorium 105.

The conference will focus on abstracts by doctoral students and researchers from the two institutes. The conference programme committee will select the abstract authors who will present their work to the audience. Prizes will be awarded to the best auditorium speakers and authors of the poster presentations, selected by a jury of researchers from both institutes. All submitted abstracts will be published in the annual conference proceedings on the IMCB website, password-protected.

The day will start with last year's overviews by the directors of the institutes, Maia Kivisaar (IMCB) and Mait Metspalu (IG). In addition to IMCB and IG researchers, the conference will also feature external guest speakers from other University of Tartu institutes: Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry Ester Oras, Associate Professor of Journalism Studies Marju Himma and Associate Professor in Mathematical Statistics Märt Möls.

N.B. This is a public event: photos will be taken and may be used to promote future events. Attendees who do not wish to be photographed are kindly requested to sit in the last row of the hall. During the poster session and coffee break, please do not stay in the atrium area in this case.

Read the abstract book of IMCB and GI Annual Conference 2024

Access to the abstract is protected with a password.

Wednesday, 15 January

Thursday, 16 January

The conference starts in

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Annual Conferences