Sulev Kuuse

Camouflage nets are made by the employees of the UT Institute of Genomics and UT IMCB

Within the framework of the citizens' initiative "Aitan Kaitsta" ("I help to protect" in English), camouflage nets are crafted by the employees of the UT Institute of Genomics and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology during non-working hours, thus participating in the largest "let's make camouflage nets" campaign in Estonia.

The activities are aimed at helping the defenders of Ukraine. The active people from our institutes aquired the necessary materials and instructions quickly and started to work. Everybody is welcome to join.

Nets are made in all corners of Estonia, in big cities and small villages. Find out more on the Citizens' Initiative Facebook page.


Media gallery of people crafting the camouflage nets (photos: Sulev Kuuse)

Doctoral defence: Arun Kumar Devarajan "Microbes and climate change: insights from plant-microbe interactions in rice phyllosphere and soil microbiomes in subarctic grasslands“

On August 22, at 10:15 Arun Kumar Devarajan will defend his doctoral thesis "Microbes and climate change: insights from plant-microbe interactions in rice phyllosphere and soil microbiomes in subarctic grasslands“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Microbial Biology).
Eesti vähikeskuse avakoosolekule tulid kokku asutuste esindajad, kes veavad eest Eesti vähiennetuse ja -ravi korraldust

University of Tartu will be home to the Estonian Cancer Centre

Doctoral defence: Vi Ngan Tran "The Cellular Dynamics and Epithelial Morphogenesis in Drosophila Wing Development"

On August 21 at 13:15 Vi Ngan Tran will defend her doctoral thesis "The Cellular Dynamics and Epithelial Morphogenesis in Drosophila Wing Development".