
Omicumi gallery hosts the exhibition of art studio "Suvi“

Art studio "Suvi" (Summer) combines art lovers who both love to see and create art. The artists in the studio paint landscapes, still life and compositions, respecting the traditions of Tartu Pallas art school. The studio is led by artist Robert Suvi. The newly opened exhibition presents the works from last years. 

Omicum gallery which regularly hosts exhibitions has a pleasure to announce the fresh exhibition "Suvi" (Summer) opened in the gallery on May 18. The curator of the exhibition is Sulev Kuuse (Head of the vivarium, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology) to whom it is the 20th exhibition to curate in these premises. 

The art studio Summer, consolidating art lovers in Tartu, has members of completely different age, profession and background, including researchers, lawyers, teachers, statisticians. Some of them have started painting only two-three years ago, the others have studied painting ten or more years, some on the other hand have attended art lessons as a child and continued only recently. 

Introduction to artists:

Reet Heinla from Valga worked as an economist and florist. After retirement started to paint. One of her favorite topic to paint is flowers. According to Robert Suvi, the supervisor, Reet has also enough fantasy to combine realism and surrealism. 

Irja Pärn has been connected with the studio since 2011. She has complemented her painting skills both in the University of Tartu and Tartu Folk High School. In everyday life she is engaged in economic sector.   

Piret Jürgenson from Ülenurme has also worked as a florist. She has loved painting for more than ten years. Earlier she loved embroidery but then discovered that anyone interested in art can buy professional painting tools and this is what she also did. After trying first at home, then attending painting lessons in Tartu Folk High School she joined art studio Summer. "My soul has become free thanks to painting," says Piret.

Kaisi Vinogradov from Tartu has liked painting since being a little girl. She graduated Art School Pallas in 2009 in textile art speciality. In 2014 joined art studio Summer. She has tried several techniques: porcelain painting, watercolor painting, carpet weaving on axes.  

Avo Kuusiku works in Tartu Vocational College. Painting was his hobby in childhood. 7 years ago his wife and daughter made him a gift to attend painting lessons in Tartu Folk High School. Avo paints in different ways and also in different situations  – in studio painting by photo or grabbing the drawing book while travelling. He has had several solo exhibitions. 

Elina Madal studied art in Children Art School in Tartu and continued under the supervision of Robert Suvi in 2012. This also encouraged her to enter Art School Pallas. Her second passion is gardening. 

Biologist Lauri Mällo works as a biology teacher in Jaan Poska Gymnasium in Tartu. In 2019 he was awarded the title of Teacher of the Year in Estonia. 

Imbi Traat is a senior researcher of mathematics and statistics in the University of Tartu. She is the Honorary Doctor of Umeå University. In art studio Summer she has painted for 11 years, attended painting courses by Aapo Pukk, briefly painted in art atelier of Konrad Mägi under the supervision of Heldur Viires. 

Sven Salo is a biologist working in the field of gardening. He loves mountain hiking, fishing and entomology. In Robert Suvi's studio since 2018. 

Hillar Ehaste is a mining engineer by profession who has worked in construction. He was the Chief Engineer of Tartu University Hospital and the head of the technical unit in Nycomed SEFA. Hillar joins every brush stroke creating landscapes, city views, portraits, abstract compositions.

Ene Ustav is an Associate Professor of Molecular Virology in the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu. She started painting in the studio Summer in 2017. She paints in warm southern colors. 

Artist Robert Suvi (Suvi, Summer in English) is indeed as summer itself: dropping energy and talent around him. He has worked in all monumental painting technologies: fresco, sgraffito, mosaic, vitrage art, tablet painting. He created vitrage windows to Palamuse church and Jõgeva church hall. He supervises art students and hobby artists, he is full of energy, curiosity and humor. 

Art studio "Suvi" has exhibited its work in Omicum gallery also previously, in 2021 there was an exhibition "Scientists on paintings".

Everyone is welcome to attend the exhibition!
The exhibition remains open until August 8, 2022. It is also possible to buy pieces of art, the introductions are in the gallery.

The repro used in the header of this piece of news is a fragment of the painting by Imbi Traat "Delta on the River Emajõgi“.


Photo gallery from the opening of the exhibition (May 18, 2022) (photos by Sulev Kuuse)

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