
Here you will find the news published on our institute's website (in order of publication).

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Time and place: Tuesday, August 23rd 2016 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, , Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
PhD thesis: „MicroRNAs in disease and health: aberrant regulation in lung cancer and association with genomic variation
(“MikroRNAde roll haiguste kujunemisel: aberratsioonid kopsuvähis ning seosed genoomse varieeruvusega”)  

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Time and place: Monday, August 22nd 2016 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
PhD thesis: “The role of RIC8A in mouse development and its function in cell-matrix adhesion and actin cytoskeletal organisation
(„RIC8A roll hiire arengus ja funktsioon rakk-maatriks adhesioonis ning aktiini tsütoskeleti organiseerimises”)

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Time and place: Wednesday, August 24th 2016 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
PhD thesis: „Translocation of cell-penetrating peptides across biological membranes and interactions with plasma membrane constituents
(„Rakku sisenevate peptiidide membraani läbimise mehhanismid ja interaktsioonid plasmamembraani komponentidega”)

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Time and place: Wednesday, June 15th 2016 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
PhD thesis: Characterization of cell-penetrating peptide/nucleic acid nanocomplexes and their cell-entry mechanisms
(“Rakku sisenevate peptiidi/nukleiinhappe komplekside kirjeldamine ja nende rakku sisenemise mehhanismid”) 

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Prof Ines Neundorf, Department of Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany

Title: “How to modulate antimicrobial and cell-penetrating properties of the bioactive peptide sC18”

Time: Tuesday, June 14, 2016, at 16:00

Place: The Estonian Biocentre, Riia 23B, room 105

Additional information: Margus Pooga (

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Title: "Towards the utilization of cannabinoids as anticancer agents...and other stories inspired by cannabis"
Dr Guillermo Velasco, Madrid Complutense University, Spain
Time: Monday, May 23, 2016, at 15:00
Place: The Estonian Biocentre, Riia 23B, room 105
Additional information: Tõnis Örd (

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Tiit Örd
Time and place: Monday, May 23rd 2016 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
PhD thesis:  “Functions and regulation of the mammalian pseudokinase TRIB3
(“Imetajate pseudokinaasi TRIB3 funktsioonid ja regulatsioon”)

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The cooperation of Tartu and Swedish researchers will soon shed light on the first dialogue between the embryo and mother that leads to embryo implantation in the inner lining of the uterus. An understanding of the biological mechanisms of the beginning of life enables to use more exact and effective methods to increase the success rate of infertility treatment.

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Title: "Characterization of salivary gland stem cells to ameliorate radiation-induced xerostomia"

Martti Maimets, Laboratory of Prof. Rob P Coppes, Departments of Cell Biology and Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

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UT was successful in the call for proposals for centres of excellence in research: Archimedes Foundation made the proposal to fund three centres of excellence which are led by UT researchers. In addition, UT participates as a partner in all other centres of excellence which were successful in this call for proposals.

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The students have selected the three best lecturers of the Faculty of Science and Technology also in 2015.
Two of them teach in our institute – Joachim Matthias Gerhold, the associate professor of plant physiology who was acknowledged by the students also in 2014 and Irina Bichele, lecturer of physics.

The third lecturer mentioned by the students was Ivo Leito, professor of analytical chemistry.


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PhD thesis: “Combating DNA damage and maintenance of genome integrity in pseudomonads”
(“DNA kahjustuste reparatsioon ja genoomi terviklikkuse tagamine pseudomonaadides”)
Speciality: Genetics
Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology
Time and place: Friday, October 23rd 2015 at 10:15 in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105

Supervisor: Prof. Maia Kivisaar, University of Tartu

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PhD thesis:  “Computational methods for DNA copy number detection
(“Arvutuslikud meetodid DNA koopiaarvu määramiseks”)

Speciality: Bioinformatics
Curriculum: Gene Technology

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Do you have a science-based business idea but you do not have any money to start? Do you want to help to launch next revolutionary product or service? Vega fund, created in co-operation between SEB bank and the Universiy of Tartu, supports early stage science-based innovative business ideas with 36 000 euros.

Applications are opened to:

1. A team of students or scientists who already have an innovative science-based solution to a common problem.

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PhD thesis: “Biochemical perspective on alphaviral nonstructural protein 2: a tale from multiple domains to enzymatic profiling
(“Alfaviiruse nsP2 valk biokeemilisest vaatakohast: lugu mitmedomäänse valgu ensümaatilisest analüüsist”)
Speciality: Gene Technology
Curriculum: Gene Technology

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The VI Baltic Genetics Congress will take place in Tartu, Estonia on September 30 – October 3, 2015. The aim of BGC 2015 is to further consolidate Baltic scientists of diverse research fields of genetics. We are pleased to welcome scientists in Baltic countries to give presentations on recent advances in population and evolutionary genetics, epigenetics, genomics, developmental genetics, bacterial, yeast, viral, plant, animal and human genetics.  

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PhD thesis: "Analysis and visualisation of large scale microarray data
("Paljude mikrokiibi andmestike suuremahuline analüüsimine ja visualiseerimine")
Speciality: Bioinformatics
Curriculum: Gene Technology

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PhD thesis: "Classification and identification of conopeptides using profile hidden Markov models and position-specific scoring matrices"
("Konopeptiidide klassifitseerimine ja kindlakstegemine varjatud Markovi mudelite ja positsioonisoetsiifiliste skoorimaatriksite abil")
Speciality: Bioinformatics
Curriculum: Gene Technology

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PhD thesis: Exploiting high-throughput data for establishing relationships between genes
(Suuremahuliste andmete kasutamine geenidevaheliste seoste leidmiseks)

Speciality: Bioinformatics
Curriculum: Gene Technology

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PhD thesis: Studies on artificial and extracellular matrix protein-rich surfaces as regulators of cell growth and differentiation
(Kunstlike ja rakuvälise maatriksi valkudega kaetud pindade osa rakkude kasvu ja diferentseerumise reguleerimises)
Speciality: Cell Biology
Curriculum: Molecular and Cell Biology

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