
Here you will find the news published on our institute's website (in order of publication).

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On 23 and 24 April, the UT Centre of Gene and Biotechnology hosts ten European top specialists in reproductive health of men and women. They will speak about intrauterine and early childhood determinants of the child’s health, the link between pregnancy disorders and the mother’s health later in life and how the environment and hormones affect the fertility of the baby, to name only some topics.

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Course: “Pre- and perinatal determinants of health in child- and adulthood”
Dates: April 23rd-24th, 2015
Vanue: Centre of Gene and Biotechnology Omicum, Riia Street 23b lecture hall 105, Tartu

The programme, speakers and registration can be found here

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The Annual Conference of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), Estonian Biocentre (EBC) and Estonian Genome Center (EGC) will take place on December 15th-16th.

Venue: Gene and Biotechnology Centre Omicum, Riia 23B  lecture hall 105
Organizer: Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Chair of Bioinformatics



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PhD thesis: " Genetics of adaptive traits and gender-specific demographic processes in South Asian populations
(“Adaptatiivsete tunnuste geneetika ja soo-spetsiifilised demograafilised protsessid Lõuna-Aasia populatsioonides”)
Speciality: molecular biology
Curriculum: Molecular and cell biology

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December 9, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) announced the winners of the call for EIT Health and EIT Raw Materials, integrated European partnerships of higher education, business and research aiming to tackle societal challenges across Europe. One of strategic partner is also University of Tartu through pan-European consortia InnoLife.

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On 12–14 December, Professor Eric Lander, the President and Founding Director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and co-chair of US President Barack Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and his colleagues will visit Estonia. On 12 December at 16:30, Professor Lander will give a public lecture at the UT Estonian Genome Center (Riia 23B) entitled “Genetic Basis of Human Disease: The past and future of genomic medicine”.

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"Preeclampsia and oxidative stress, lessons on model STOX1 in vivo and in vitro"
Speaker: Prof.  Daniel Vaiman, Génomique, Epigénétique et Physiopathologie de la Reproduction, Institut Cochin & Faculté de Médecine, hôpital Cochin, Paris

Time and place: Wednesday, 14.05. at 2 PM Riia 23 auditorium 217

Introduction to the speaker:

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In spring 2014 the first Mobile Bioclass started in Estonia.

The aim of the project „Mobile Bioclass“ is to introduce life sciences to students in secondary schools and gymnasiums in order to provoke interest in biotechnology.

During the project mobile bioclass visits schools all over Estonia and offers the possibility to participate in hands-on experiments and lectures. The bioclass is run by biology, gene technology and biomedicine students of the University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.

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May 21-22, Tartu, Centre of Gene and Biotechnology Omicum, Riia Street 23b lecture hall 105 

The aim of the workshop is to unite experts from clinical, applicable and fundamental side of reproductive medicine of men and women.

The  two-day program includes lectures and discussions of 10 foreign and 6 Estonian experts. 

The language of the workshop is English.

The participation is for free.
Registration on project’s webpage until May 15th.

Additional information:

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Time and place: Tuesday, May 13th 2014 10.00 AM in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Riia 23b lecture hall 105
Thesis:  „Global and fine-scale genetic determinants of recurrent pregnancy loss
(„Korduva raseduse katkemise genoomsed ja geneetilised riskitegurid“)

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"Mitochondrial DNA: how to maintain a genome to generate energy?"

Time and place: Tuesday, May 6th, 2014, Riia 23b lecture hall 105
The lecture is in Estonian.

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