Science from young to young

Two science popularisation projects headed by the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology received Estonian Research Council grant for the next academic year (2022 – 2023), Mobile Bioclass and Genetic Workshops.

The grant enables Mobile Bioclass to travel across Estonia, visit different schools in every county bringing along mobile biotechnology laboratory to be set up in the classroom. Genetic Workshops, on the other hand, welcomes upper secondary school students to participate in practical genetic study day organised in Tartu in the laboratories of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.
Both projects, nominated in the category of organising science popularization activities, are planned and organised together with the Biosciences Students' Association meaning the knowledge and fun of science is passed from young to young.

The project competition received 97 applications from which 21 were funded with the total sum of 236 394 euros. The projects were submitted in four categories:

  • organising science popularization activities;
  • making audiovisual materials;
  • organising exhibitions;
  • publishing popular science books

The call for proposals for the popularization of science is organised by the Estonian Research Council and is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research.
The aim of the competition is to support the introduction of science to the general public and to increase young people's interest in science and the research profession.

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