Jüri Parik

Guest seminar: Dr. Kalle Rytkönen "Transcriptomic and steroidomic studies of the uterine endometrium and decidua"

Regarding the PhD defence of Mariann Koel, a quest seminar will be held by Kalle Rytkönen (PhD, Adjunct Professor University of Turku), the opponent of the upcoming PhD thesis. The seminar takes place on November 9 at 16:00 in the auditorium 105 of the Omicum building (Riia 23b/2, Tartu).

Title:  Transcriptomic and steroidomic studies of the uterine endometrium and decidua


My research centers on the hormonal and genomic regulation of the uterine endometrium. We utilize recent single-cell data in combination with our in-house and previous transcriptomic data related to endometrial disorders. Our goal is to elucidate the contributions of specific cell types in the context of endometrial functions and disorders. The range of conditions we investigate includes endometriosis, adenomyosis, heavy menstrual bleeding, as well as pregnancy disorders such as preeclampsia. Additionally, we are conducting an analysis that links matched steroid levels with the transcriptomic activity of the enzymatic steroidogenesis machinery. This analysis will provide a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms responsible for intratissue steroid levels.

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