
Mini-conference, Community meeting and Technology transfer workshop in Medical University of Lodz

On the last week of April, 2023 the Allinace4Life gathered in Medical University of Lodz, Poland to held a Community Meeting, thematic scientific mini-conference with matchmaking event and a technology transfer workshop for the members of the alliance. 

Researchers from universities and research institutes from Central and Eastern Europe discussed the impact of the environment on human health and the programmes of sustainable development deployed in their institutions. The accompanying matchmaking workshops, in turn, provided an opportunity to strengthen the cooperation and business relations as well as discuss ideas for joint initiatives and research projects. 

Health and Environment were the main subject matters of the international mini-conference held at the Medical University of Lodz on April 24-26.
University of Tartu (UTARTU) was represented by PhD Student Triin Veber who, within the session of environmental health and well-being, introduced the topic of the impact of traffic noise on human health (representing the results of the working group of Professor Hans Orru in Tartu). Triin is also occupied as the Environmental Health Specialist in the Department of Public Health in the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health, UTARTU. 

On April 26-27, the Medical University of Lodz hosted also the Community meeting of the international Alliance4Life_ACTIONS project. The representatives of 12 partner institutions arrived in Lodz: the consortia from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. The event was also participated by the representatives of local and national authorities, Lodz universities and research institutes. From the University of Tartu professor of Cell Biology Toivo Maimets (member of the Steering Committee and the Board of the Project) and Research Fellow Mari-Liisa Parder, (Centre for Ethics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities) participated in the meeting, both had also presentations about the ongoing activities in the project where UTARTU has a lead (e.g. Policy Paper on Efficiency of Widening Measures (Task 5.1), Research Integrity report (Task 1.4)).

The third event, technology transfer workshop, was held in Lodz on 28-28 April. Alliance4Life (A4L), in close collaboration with the European knowledge transfer association (ASTP), has developed a detailed training program for the knowledge and technology transfer professionals at A4L member institutions. The program consists of three workshops. This, the second workshop, focused on technology marketing and negotiation techniques. The trainers presented different aspects of the topic including: Developing a commercial strategy, Formulating the value proposition, Knowing the right people to ‘market’ to, Productive conversations with potential partners, Structuring the relationship, Introduction to Negotiation Theory and Tools, Introduction and clarification of the role play, Negotiation role-play, Negotiation role-play debriefing. The University of Tartu was represented by IP analyst Alina Paas from Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The third training event, covering technology valuation and technology assessment, is scheduled for January 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia.

That were truly exciting and well thought-through workshops. The training both allowed to relate and reflect on challenges in tech transfer marketing and negotiations we share and also think outside the box and challenge paradigms of our regular tech transfer process and tools. Practical and interactive format was stimulating everybody to think along and find new solutions as well as sharing experiences of technology transfer offices from different countries. I believe we all have learned a lot during these days in Lodz, Poland. We can apply several gained knowledge in our everyday work in the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Alina Paas, IP Analyst in the University of Tartu

This article has used the material from the Alliance4Life webpage, more information available here.

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