The annual conference summarises most important research done in both institutes over the past year. The event takes place in Riia 23b/2, auditorium 105.
The University of Tartu is advancing its research on antibacterial surfaces through the European Commission-funded Twinning project, FAST-Real ("Twinning on Functional Antimicrobial Surfaces Testing and Evaluation for Real-world Performance and Sustainability").
On 14 November, the Just Transition Forum “From smart shrinkage to sustainable large-scale industry. Visions for the future of Ida-Viru” will be held at the Narva College.
Brüsselis avatud näitusel tutvustatakse Eesti teadlasi, kes on pälvinud Euroopa Teadusnõukogu grandi. Näitusel saab lugeda ka Tartu Ülikooli üheteistkümne silmapaistva teadlase ERC projektist.
On 20 November, the University of Tartu Library hosted a conference focusing on the particulars of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation.
On 4 October at 13.15 Kertu Liis Krigul will defend her doctoral thesis “The gut microbiome at the interface of human health and disease” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Gene Technology.