Topic: research

Chromatin research group
Survival and life of cells depend on accurate and faithful inheritance and expression of their genetic information in the course of DNA replication and gene transcription. These processes are highly regulated in multiple levels, including by the regulation of DNA accessibility in chromatin. The general aim of our research is to clarify the role of chromatin in regulation of these fundamental processes in eukaryotic cells.
16. December 2021 research
Tissue regeneration research group
The main focus of our research group is the development of disease models and new therapies based on the results of patient tissue analysis. Particular attention is paid to regeneration disorders (chr
16. December 2021 research
22. November 2021 research
Microbial Collection
The collection of non-medical environmental and laboratory microbial strains, CELMS (Collection of Environmental and Laboratory Microbial Strains), situated at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu was founded in 1995.
22. November 2021 research
Annual Conferences
The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and former Estonian Biocentre, today Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu
22. November 2021 research