Topic: cooperation

Come to Blood Donor Day on 2 November
The University of Tartu and the Blood Centre of Tartu University Hospital invite university members to the Blood Donor Day in the Delta Centre on 2 November, from 11:00 to 15:00.
20. October 2023 cooperation
A lot of enthusiasts gathered to the Researchers’ Night
On September 29, 2023, a family day and a Researchers’ Night was celebrated in our institute for the second time. The event brought together a hundred of science enthusiasts, mostly school students as the primary target audience.
Women share their success stories in technology and industry
conference “Empowering women for leadership in science and technology”
Europe’s innovation gap cannot be closed overnight yet needs urgent action
Although several measures have been put in place to close the innovation gap between the old and the new EU member states, the gap continues to increase.
Prof. Osamu Shimmi held a presentation at the joint seminar on the 20th anniversary of Estonian-Japanese academic cooperation
On May 18th, a joint seminar was held in cooperation with the Estonian Research Council (ETAG), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Stockholm Office, and the Embassy of Japan to cele
30. May 2023 cooperation
IMCB's delegation visited Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics
From April 24-26, a delegation of employees and students from the UT Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) visited the branch of the international biotechnology corporation Thermo Fisher Scie
02. May 2023 institutecooperation
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
20. December 2022 cooperationculture
Novel nanocoatings guard against viruses and bacteria
Novel nanocoatings guard against viruses and bacteria
The President of Estonia honored BiotaTec with a visit and witnessed successful cooperation with IMCB
Last week, a President of Estonia, Mr. Alar Karis honored BiotaTec with a visit to their Biomining Demo Plant. There is a successful cooperation between BiotaTec OÜ and the Institute of Molecular and
12. December 2022 entrepreneurshipcooperation
Viljandi School for Talented Students opened a teaching laboratory in cooperation with universities
Viljandi School for Talented Students opened a teaching laboratory in cooperation with universities.
27. October 2022 studentscooperation