Topic: cooperation

Scientists' Night and Family Day filled the institute with happy guests
Scientists' Night and Family Day filled the institute with happy guests
06. October 2022 institutestudentscooperation
The Alliance4Life members finally met in person in Estonia
The Alliance4Life members finally met in person in Estonia.
Maarjavälja Career Day brought together enterprises and students
On May 5th, 2022 the Faculty of Science and Technology (University of Tartu) held a joint Career Day in VSpa Hotel Conference Centre. The last Maarjavälja Career Day took place two years ago, in Febru
Alliance4Life will hold a meeting in Tartu
Prestigious Horizon 2020 project Alliance4Life_ACTIONS will held its first physical conference including Community Meeting and Skills Academy in the University of Tartu on April 28-30, 2022.
Gymnasium students visit the Institute and take part in interesting laboratory practical works
On March 14, dozens and dozens of gymnasium students interested in biology will gather once again in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology to take part in exciting Genetic Workshops. 
Biosciences Students' Association
Biosciences Students' Association brings together active students of life sciences to ensure a bright future for life sciences in Estonia.
23. February 2022 cooperationstudiesfor society
Services for Businesses and Reseachers
Our institute offers a variety of services.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) laboratory
Applications of EM for analysis of biological samples at the EM lab in IMCB
16. December 2021 cooperation
Solutions, microbiological media and distilled water
Our institute sells laboratory grade water of two different purity levels:
16. December 2021 entrepreneurshipcooperation