On 19 September at 14:15 Vlad-Julian Piljukov will defend his doctoral thesis „Biochemical characterization of Irc3 helicase“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Molecular Biology).
The two-way defence mechanisms of bacteria and phages, viruses of the bacteria, can offer a solution to antibiotic resistance problems. Hedvig Tamman, Associate Professor of Genetics at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, received the Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to study the microbial arms race.
The 22nd Gene Forum took place, featuring presentations from 21 experts across Europe and the USA. Over the course of two days, they shared insights into their latest research, covering topics ranging from personalised medicine advancements to the genetics of mental health.
On 7 September Kertu Liis Krigul, Jürgen Karvak and Kristo Raun will explain why it is worthwhile for young researchers to participate in the competition
Esmaspäeval, 11. septembril algusega kl 13.00 toimub Tartu Ülikooli aulas digitaalse bioinseneeria keskuse ning personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskuse avaüritus.
On 12 September at 15:15, Mathilde André will defend her doctoral thesis, "New Guinea, a hotspot for Human evolution: settlement history and adaptation in northern Sahul".
On 22 August at 10:15 Sirli Rosendahl will defend her doctoral thesis “Fitness effects of chromosomal toxin-antitoxin systems in Pseudomonas putida” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.