Topic: research

Europe’s innovation gap cannot be closed overnight yet needs urgent action
Although several measures have been put in place to close the innovation gap between the old and the new EU member states, the gap continues to increase.
Pilvi Ilves and Tiina Tamm were nominated for the portal of leading women researchers AcademiaNet
Estonian Research Council nominated 13 Estonian researchers to be added to the portal of leading women researchers AcademiaNet. Nominees from the University of Tartu are Tiina Tamm and Pilvi Ilves.
18. May 2023 research
University of Tartu supports the work towards the market-readiness of research results with €300,000
In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
IMCB in-house seminars: spring 2023
​In-house seminars of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of UT introduce the scientific research of the institute's various working groups in more detail. The seminars are open to everybody a
09. May 2023 research
An international book on fructans was published in the co-authorship of IMCB researchers
On March 30th, 2023, an international group of authors from around the world, including three scientists connected to IMCB, published an extensive book, titled "The Book of Fructans" The book contains
30. March 2023 publishingresearch
Microbe & material interactions research group
We have been studying the efficacy and mode of action of antimicrobial materials and coatings in cooperation with material scientists since 2015.
18. February 2023 research
Vilnius University hosted research management administrators and early stage researchers within the Alliance4Life consortium
Vilnius University hosted research management administrators and early stage researchers within the Alliance4Life consortium
03. February 2023 internationalresearch
Research news: ethnic roots of Estonian peoples, problematic use of social networking sites, reducing the fear of pain, and a novel solution for wound treatment
The “Research news” section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
31. January 2023 research
Hedvig Tamman was awarded the prestigious EMBO installation grant
The EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) installation grant supports young scientists in establishing a personal research group and laboratory to strengthen life sciences in the countries pa
17. January 2023 research
Annual Conference of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Genomics
The traditional annual conference uniting the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu will take place on 19-20 January 2023.
14. November 2022 research