Topic: research

TÜMRI 2023. aasta kokkuvõte
2023. aasta oli TÜMRile väga edukas. Meie inimesed on pälvinud olulisi tunnustusi, teadusgrupid on olnud väga viljakad oma töös, ning lisaks on meil jätkuvalt kõrgel tasemel õppetöö kõigis õppeastmetes.
08. January 2024 research
Annual Conference of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Genomics
The joint annual conference of the UT Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the UT Institute of Genomics, which summarizes the events of 2022 in science, takes place on 11-12 January, 2024. 
03. January 2024 research
Coping with future pandemics requires a considerate attitude and trust in the government
Imagining a future entirely different from today can be the most effective risk adaptation strategy. At the Scientific Advisory Board’s conference “Viirustega tulevikku” (“To the future with viruses”), a panel of top Estonian scientists and officials discussed what resources and decisions future pandemics require and what trends influence how Estonian society will cope with pandemics in the upcoming decades. The panel discussion “Pandemics in a future society” was moderated by Triin Vihalemm, Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Tartu.
19. December 2023 research
Martin Farley: common standards are needed to reduce the environmental impact of laboratory research
A bibliometric analysis published in 2014 estimated that published scientific output doubles every nine years.
06. December 2023 sustainabilityresearch
Estonian Academy of Sciences Foundation awarded scholarships to Ülo Reimaa and Angela Peeb
Estonian Academy of Sciences Foundation awarded its scholarships for 2024 to Ülo Reimaa, a Research Fellow in Algebra at the University of Tartu Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, and Angela Peeb, a doctoral student in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Tartu.
27. November 2023 researchrecognition 
Doctoral defence: Kaspar Reier „Quantity, stability and disparity of ribosomal components in Escherichia coli stationary phase“
On November 20 at 2.15 Kaspar Reier will defend his Doctoral Thesis on ​​​​​​​Molecular Biology „Quantity, stability and disparity of ribosomal components in Escherichia coli stationary phase“.  
10. November 2023 research
Guest seminar: Prof. Suparna Sanyal "The End Game: A Second Check-Point for Specific Codon Recognition by Bacterial RF2"
Regarding the PhD defence of Kaspar Reier, a quest seminar will be held by Suparna Sanyal (Professor & Head - Molecular Biology Division; Uppsala University; Sweden), the opponent of the upcoming PhD thesis.
31. October 2023 internationalresearch
Doctoral defence: Mariann Koel “The molecular interactions between trophoblast and endometrial cells in embryo implantation”
On November 10 at 09:15 Mariann Koel will defend her doctoral thesis “The molecular interactions between trophoblast and endometrial cells in embryo implantation” on Cell Biology.
17. October 2023 research
Guest seminar: Dr. Kalle Rytkönen "Transcriptomic and steroidomic studies of the uterine endometrium and decidua"
Regarding the PhD defence of Mariann Koel, a quest seminar will be held by Kalle Rytkönen (PhD, Adjunct Professor University of Turku), the opponent of the upcoming PhD thesis. The seminar takes place on November 9 at 16:00 in the auditorium 105 of the Omicum building (Riia 23b/2, Tartu).
03. November 2023 research
IMCB in-house seminars: autumn 2023
​In-house seminars of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of UT introduce the scientific research of the institute's various working groups in more detail. The seminars are open to everybody a
30. October 2023 research