Topic: research

Cellulose research group
Structural polysaccharides – cellulose and chitin – are the most abundant polysaccharides on the Earth and represent a huge reservoir of renewable carbon.
16. December 2021 research
Yeast mitochondrial research group
Mitochondria are organelles that have their own genomic DNA. We are interested in the mechanisms by which the mitochondrial genome is propagated during the cell cycle.
16. December 2021 research
Ribosome, RNA modifications and protein synthesis research group
We are interested on the fundamental aspects of protein biosynthesis. In this respect we use E. coli as a model system. We study functional topography of the bacterial ribosome. In addition, we analyz
16. December 2021 research
Drosophila metabolism research group
. Mitochondrion is best known as the major site of ATP synthesis, but it is also involved in many other metabolic processes, e.g. synthesizing a number of metabolites that are important for various cellular processes.
16. December 2021 research
Bacterial and yeast proteins research group
We are using efficient expression systems to produce heterologous proteins from pro- and eukaryotic organisms in Escherichia coli. We have expressed glucoside hydrolases (e.g. levansucrases, α-glucosi
16. December 2021 research
Bacteriophage research group
The research focuses on the stringent response of bacteria. Stringent response is a universal mechanism in bacteria to survive stress. It is governed by the alarmone (p)ppGpp that is produced by RSH (RelA-SpoT homologue) enzymes. When the level of (p)ppGpp in cells increases, the growth of bacteria decreases, which helps them survive stressful conditions.
16. December 2021 research
Microbial genetics research group
Bacteria evolve rapidly under stress conditions where their growth is inhibited due to unfavorable growth conditions.
16. December 2021 research
Environmental microbiology and biotechnology research group
Our research is focused on the response of microbial communities to anthropogenic and natural stressors in different environments.
16. December 2021 research