Prof. Daniel Vaimani külalisseminar 14.05.2014

"Preeklampsia ja oksüdatiivne stress, õppetunnid STOX1 mudeli põhjal, in vivo ja in vitro"
Esineja: Prof.  Daniel Vaiman, Génomique, Epigénétique et Physiopathologie de la Reproduction, Institut Cochin & Faculté de Médecine, hôpital Cochin, Paris

Aeg ja koht: kolmapäev, 14.05. kl 14.00 Riia 23 auditoorium 217

Sissejuhatus esinejale:

Prof. Daniel Vaiman director of research at INSERM, and performs his work at the Cochin Institute (INSERM U1016). He is co-head of the Department entitled “Development, Reproduction, Cancer”, and leader of a research team working on human reproduction (“Genomics, Epigenetics and Physiopathology of Reproduction). The team (35 Full Time Employees of which 25 are permanent staff) develops studies on the molecular bases of reproductive disorders: infertilities, placental and uterine disorders. The team has competencies in epigenetics, imprinted genes and molecular genetics and a strong focus on animal models (mouse strains and transgenic mice). Its implementation in the hospital is strong with permanent exchanges with the hospital services of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 

The team is part of the Hospital-University Department “Risks and Pregnancy”. DV is a member and experts of several committees on genetics for French research institutes (22th commission CNRS, Genetics Department INRA). He is the author of 170 scientific communications of which 151 research papers (3911 citations, h index = 31).

Märksõnad: molekulaarne reprduktiiv-biomeditsiin, epigeneetika, platsent haigused, viljatus, kõrge läbilaskevõimega genoomika analüüsis, molekulaarsed uuringud hiire mudelil 


Seminar toimub Biomeditsiini ja Biotehnoloogia doktorikooli projekti (nr.1.2.0401.09-0073) raames.

Kontakt: inimese molekulaargeneetika professor Maris Laan, 7375008,